Who is VERSCAN suitable for?

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Many organizations have a large number of assets, and effective asset management is therefore essential for their operations. Appropriate strategic planning and systematic asset management will help the organization work efficiently and sustainably for future growth.

Why should you not overlook an asset management system?

A good asset management system can greatly reduce confusion and improve asset management efficiency. Inventorying and tracking existing assets will help reduce risk, prevent losses, and maximize the use of existing resources.
In addition, an asset management system enables the organization to adapt to various situations efficiently and quickly and to respond better to changes in the business environment.

What kind of organization is VERSCAN suitable for?

VERSCAN is one of the ERP support systems that facilitates comprehensive asset management within the organization. It makes inventorying and tracking assets easier and more convenient, making VERSCAN suitable for both organizations that:
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Have never had asset management in the organization before.

Currently use manual asset inventory or manage assets through traditional paper processes or Excel spreadsheets.
You may find that these steps take a long time to complete and are complicated. Manual systems can also lead to data errors in communication between departments.

VERSCAN is a system that combines all steps of asset management into a single application and is designed to be easy to use for users of all ages

You can do everything from checking the status of assets in the organization by simply scanning a QR code to notifying about updates on the maintenance of various assets. This makes communication between departments in the organization consistent and makes it easy to analyze the data.
VERSCAN does not require any advanced technical skills to get started. We also provide comprehensive system training for all organizations.
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Already have an asset management system, but don't feel it's as efficient as it could be.

If your organization already has an asset management system, but you still find that you are constantly encountering problems with each step of inventorying or tracking assets within the organization, such as:
Systems that may require management from multiple departments, resulting in communication problems, multiple steps, duplicate work, and inconsistent data. These problems may be a key indicator that your asset management system may not be as efficient and effective for your organization as it should be.
VERSCAN is an ERP support system that offers a comprehensive asset management system in a single application. With a variety of features that cover almost every step of asset management, we also offer customized system adjustments to suit your organization's operations as much as possible.
VERSCAN suitable for both organizations that never had asset management in the organization before or already have an asset management system, but don't feel it's as efficient as it could be.
So, if you are looking to start an asset management system within your organization or want to develop a faster and more convenient asset management system, VERSCAN is the solution for managing assets efficiently. With an easy-to-use system, comprehensive features, and an affordable price, you can manage assets easily from your mobile phone!
Unlock a new way to verify your fixed assets
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